Prof. Dr. Rifat Hashmi - Acupuncturist & Homoeopath - Lahore- Pakistan.
Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Alternative medicine


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Mercurius Biniodide.
Biniodide of Mercury. (HgI2.)

Diphtheritic and glandular affections of left side; fauces dark red; solids or liquids painful when swallowing; exudation slight, easily detached; cases attending epidemic scarlet fever, ulcers on fauces or tonsils; glands enlarged; greenish tough lumps from pharynx or posterior nares. Tubercular pharyngitis. Mercurius Solubilis. Hahnemann's Soluble Mercury. Nervous affections after suppressed discharges especially in psoric patients (Asaf.). Glandular and scrofulous affections of children. Otorrhoea: bloody, offensive discharge, with stabbing tearing pain; < right side, at night and lying on affected side. Furuncles and boils in external meatus (Pic. ac.). Polypi and fungous excresences in external meatus (Mar. v., Thuja). Acrid nasal secretion, having odor of old cheese; nostrils, red, raw, ulcerated. Epistaxis: when coughing; at night during sleep; hangs in a dark clotted string from the nose, like an circle. Gonorrhoea: with phymosis or chancroids; green discharge, < at night; urging to urinate; intolerable burning in for part of urethra when passing last few drops; prepuce hot, swollen, oedematous and sensitive to touch; of a torpid character, with threatening or suppurating bubo. Chancre: primary; regular indurated Hunterian, with lardaceous base; with cheesy bottom and inverted red edges; with phymosis or paraphymosis; deep, round, penetrating, eating through fraenum and prepuce; bleeding, painful, yellowish fetid discharge. Hahnemann's remedy for syphilis and diseases of the genito-urinary tract. Is rarely indicated if the tongue is dry. Disease of the skin; intolerable biting, itching, over body, as from insect bites, < in evening and from warmth of bed; becomes pleasant on scratching. Weakness and weariness of limbs; sore, bruised.


Mercurius Sulphuricus.
Sulphate of Mercury. (HgSO4.)

Hydrothorax, if occurring from heart or liver diseases; dyspnoea, has to sit, cannot lie down. Extremities swollen; stool loose, watery, causing severe burning and soreness; burning in chest. "When it acts well it produces a profuse, watery diarrhoea with great relief to the patient; it is as important as Arsenicum in hydrothorax" - Lippe.

Relations. - Compare: Ars., Cinnab., Dig., Sulph.


Daphne Mezereum. (Thymelaceae.)

For light-haired, irresolute persons of a phelgmatic temperament. Eczema and itching eruptions after vaccinations. Hypochondriacal and despondent; indifferent to everything and every one; angry at trifles and perfectly harmless things, but is soon sorry for it. Toothache: in carious teeth (Kreos.); feel elongated, dull pain when biting on them and when touched with tongue, < at night; > with mouth open and drawing in air; roots decay (rev. or Mer.). Headache, violent after slight vexation; painful on the slightest touch; right sided. The head is covered with thick, leather-like crust, under which thick and white pus collects here and there; hair is glued and matted together; pus after a time is ichorous, becomes offensive and breeds vermin. Ulcers with thick, yellowish-white scabs, under which thick, yellow pus collects. Vesicles appear around the ulcers, itch violently, burn like fire (Hep.); shining, fiery-red areola around. Linen or charpie sticks to the ulcers, they bleed when it is torn away. Eczema: intolerable itching, < in bed and from touch; copious, serous exudation. Neuralgic burning pains after zona. Bones, especially long bones, inflamed, swollen; nightly pains going from above downwards; after abuse of Merc., after venerial diseases; caries, exostosis, tumors soften from within out. Pain in periosteum of long bones < at night in bed, least touch, in damp weather (Mer., Phyt.). Child scratches face continually, which is covered with blood; eruptions moist; itching worse at night; inflammatory redness of face.

Relations: - Compare: Caust., Guaiac., Phyt., Rhus.

Aggravation. - Cold air; cold washing; at night; touch or motion; bad effects of mercury or alcohol. Epidemics occurring in January or February often call for Mezereum.


Yarrow. (Compositae.)

Ailments: from over-lifting, over-exertion, or a fall. Vertigo; when moving slowly, but not when taking violent exercise. Haemorrhages: painless, without fever; bright red, fluid blood (Acon., Ipec., Sab.); from lungs, bronchi, larynx, mouth, nose, stomach, bladder, rectum, uterus; of mechanical origin (Arn.); of wounds (Ham.). Wounds which bleed profusely, especially after a fall (Arn., Ham.). Haemoptysis: after injury; in incipient phthisis; in haemorrhoidal patients; from a ruptured blood vessel. Painless drainage, from nose, lungs, uterus; after labor or abortion; after great exertion; after miscarriage. Preventive in post- partum haemorrhage. Menses: early, profuse, protracted; suppressed, with colic pain in abdomen. Leucorrhoea of children from atony (Cal.). Cough: with raising of bright blood; in suppressed menses or haemorrhoids; with oppression and palpitation; after a fall from a height (Arn.); after violent extertion; with blood, daily at 4 p. m. (Lyc.).

Relations: - Compare: Erecht. in epistaxis and haemoptysis, blood bright red. Follows well: after, Acon., and Arn., in haemorrhages.

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Hashmi Clinic :


31-B ; Zafar Nadeem Plaza,


Faisal Town, Lahore.


+92-42-5177745 ; 0333-4221473 ; 0306-4121220.



Homeopathy Cures with care Acupuncture And Homeopathic Center Prof. Dr. Rifat Hashmi Homeopathy Cures with Care Acupuncture is a great pain relief In every child who is born, the potentiality of the human race is born again Women are too delicate for instrumental manipulation Sexual fitness is the index of health. Faisal Town, Lahore , Pakistan